Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Photo Quai

During all these month a big photo bienal is hapening for the first time in Paris. The Photo Quai is an International Photo Festival, these year a great number of oriental photography is being ehxibited. Whats great also about the festival is that its not only indoors. Some images are outdoors by the Seine River having Paris as a back ground.

I was happy to see some good work from Brasil, work i really like!!

João Wainer and his great work "Marginalia" about the Hip Hop and marginality in São Paulo.
CIA DE FOTO a great brazilian collective, working mainly with social issues. They got great visibility the last two years, especialy after one of its members got a World Press Photo Prize in Sport Story category. They have a great approach towards the collective...always working together and all the work is presented under the copyrigth ®CIADEFOTO. The collective has a very strong visual signature!!
Numo Rama and his strong panoramic B&W images.At photo quai he is showing his series "Humans".
Iatã Cannabrava "Uma outra cidade" or " Another City" a series his being working on for the last 6 years around the peripheries of São Paulo.
Luiz Braga and his Amazon colors.

So if you are in Paris go check it out, if not enjoy the websites and see some great work.

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